
Okay, highlight of the day was we (ME, Bob, Azhar, Arjun) cooked..Yeah, kami mmg masak, xde guna mana2 perencah segera..The above dish is masakan Johor named 'bol'..Xtahu laa 'bol' stands for what..Actually, nih family recipe Bob, usually mkn time raye..Jd mmg xde jual kt kedai laa 'bol' nih..Ttbe Bob rajen plak nk wt 'bol', sj nk test masakan family die yg turun temurun nih..Dr nenek die g..Sbb cuti now and nothing much to do, so blaja laa masak..Erm, 2 hr gk arr amik masa nk cr sume bhn2..Ssh siot nk cari segala adek beradek jintan, lada and etc..Plus, segala jintan2 and lada2 nih dlm English xtau pggl pe..HaHa..

Basically, 'bol' nihh adalah ubi kentang yg dipenyek mix with daging lembu..Lepas tu wt bulat2 cm bola, then goreng..Mkn dgn sup tulang..Then, de laa sambal special die and sayur2 like timun, carrot and salad..Suma masuk sekali arr..

Overall, sedap laa 'bol'..Thx to Bob sbb die ar main chef..Yg len2 tlg sibuk sket2 ja..=)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Got 'P'..?

I completed all the driving learning sessions and met JPJ requirement to earn myself a card which people used to call 'license'..With this card inside my black wallet, I'll be able to drive any model of car legally..Hell yeah, I got my P license already, some more 2 years old dahh pun..Based on my general knowledge and according to the law in Malaysia, I know this fact even I am not doing Law, it indicates that I am eligible to drive any kind of car without that ugly red and white sticker with a big 'P' consonant on it sticks onto my car..Yup, that is the reality of owning a P license and that was what I was hoping for since I got my L license..

But, sad to say, all my hopes were just hopes..All my hardwork for more than a month to obtain the driving license were meaningless because I have no car here..One of the cons of pursuing studies overseas..So, don't go overseas for studies yea kawan-kawan..HeHe..This evening, I bought myself a new bike and maybe be using it for the rest of my 3 years here in Australia, hope not..Damn tragic weii, got P, still cycling indeed of driving..Adeyhh..

Seriously, I have to borrow my seniors' car..I really mean it..Any seniors who happened to read this entry, do give attentions okay..I will borrow a car, maybe rent if there is no car available for me to borrow, and give myself a chance of driving..Plus, trinigin gk nk drive kt sini..Gila lama kott x drive, gila stereng dahh..HaHa =b

Sunday, June 28, 2009


..Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen..

Just finished watching the above movie with some of my friends at Dendy..For me, it is good movie and this shows is a must watch movie for all Transformers fans..This 2 hours plus of movie was full of actions and the graphics were damn amazing and cool..Some more, with the good sound systems at Dendy, it made the movie so alive..But I was a little bit disappointed with the end part of the movie where Optimus Prime easily defeated Megatron and the other evil robots..I was expecting for one hell of a fight between them as it was so hard for Sam to find the matrix in order to bring back Optimus Prime who got killed while trying to protect Sam from all the evil robots in the early stage of the movie..Overall, it was worth it to pay 13.50 dollars for the ticket =)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Capital Tower

..Capital Tower..

Currently, I am living here..Overall, everything is going on good for me and I love my new apartment..The atmosphere here is nice and comfortable..But the distance caused me problems..I really need a bike by now as I am getting sick and tired of walking..How I wish I had my own car here..Hee..

.:. In purpose of updating my blog, nothing to post..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Award from Jihan

a) Copy badge "Vespa Blogger Award Friendship" di atas untuk diletakan di blog anda.


b) Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.

Award ini dianugerahkan oleh Jihan Diyana aka JoJo..She was my classmate during secondary school, we were in the same class..This girl is damn clever, byk ckp, Mawi maniac, agak rendah and JaWorld..Ape g nihh nk mrapu sal die..Lagi die nihh anak mami, kwn bek dgn Ecah and die nihh laa yg merosakan Ecah..Ajar Ecah jd jahat..HaHa, enough2 =b

c) Setiap blogger harus menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri.

1 - Currently bukan rakyat Malaysia..HaHa..Gila kott, kantoi dgn JPA, trs pggl balek Malaysia..I am still one of the Malaysian, just not living in there only..

2 - Not single, dh de org booked..HeHe..Living a happy relationship..But suffer gk laa with this long distance relationship..

3 -Bru abih final exam..Sgt laa bahagia..Bgn tdo, otak pun tenang je..Xde kalut2 nk g study, wt revision, past paper sume..

4 - Now dah leh kata pandai masak laa..Klu kt Malaysia, hr2 p beli ja lunch..Now lunch masak sendri, diner masak sndri..Jd dh terror gk laa masak memasak nihh..

5 - Mengidam masakan Malaysia..Char koe teow, roti canai, nasi lemak, burger ramlee, mee bandong and etc..Fast food pun ngidam gk..KFC, Burger King, food court..Dok tringat nasi goreng nenas food court The Gardens..Gla sedaappp...

6 - Addicted to futsal..X tahu laa npe..Smpai Aussie je, jd gila futsal..Klu kt Malaysia, men suka2 je..Sini men sggh2 plak..Siap de training g..

7 - Next target, ipod touch or ipod classic..Dilemma nihh, xtau nk amik yg mna..Tp mmg nk laa, but duit pun bukan de sgt nihh..Abih boros..Nk kja? Malas laa plak..Jd x tau laa kn cmne nk beli benda tuhh..

8 - Sudah mempunyai apartment sendri kt sni..Bru sign contract je mggu lepas..Share 3 org apartment nihh..Bakal pindah mlm nihh, operasi mengangkat brg mula kul 11..Smpai kul bpe xtau laa kn, kja overtime laa jwbnye..

9 - Financial agak teruk dh nihh..Nk bankrupt dh..Bcoz belanja byk sgt..Xtau laa cmne nk survive until July nihh..Bru JPA nk bg allowance g..Please laa Mr JPA, cepat kn sket x leh k..

10 - Kaki skt, bcoz td bru abih men futsal..Jd king plak, stay smpai 3 4 game..HeHe..Just nk cukup kn 10 je..Xtau nk mrapu pe g..

d) Anda perlu memilih 6 penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.

Ermm, spe cepat die dpt..Amik je laa..1st come 1st serve =)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tamat Sudah

Okay, my first semester of being an ANU student had come to an end..It ended just after I completed and submitted my last exam paper which was BUSN1001 yesterday approximately at 5.30 pm..In other words, my 4 terrible days which began last Thursday had over..From now on, no more lectures and tutorials, assignments also quizzes for me for nearly next 30 days..Owhh, how nice life without all that..I feel free, my head is empty..No need to think about all the due dates..No need to memorize all the freaking notes and formulae..No more complicated grafts,diagrams and theories for me..I am full of free time at the moment =)

Regarding the last 2 papers, STAT1008 was okay..All the questions asked were not that hard..Yeah, I admit that some of the questions were really tricky..Doesn't matter, I don't expect full marks for the paper..But I hope that I will be able to get HD..Now BUSN1001, the paper was pretty hard..Lot of theories rather than calculations..Damn, I am not good in giving explanation man..Never get full marks for explanation part, not just BUSN1001 but for all subjects..Plus, the multiple choice questions were also confusing..All the 20 questions really caused me headache..Whatever it is, nothing I can do right now..Pray hard that everything will be fine for me..

I will be moving to a new apartment this coming Friday which located in Capital Tower, 10 minutes of walking from my university..My apartment is in 18th floor and it faced the city..So glad about that as view from my apartment is magnificent at night..Some more, Capital Tower also provides gym, swimming pool, squash court and few other facilities..This is great man..Unfortunately, the apartment was not fully furnished..Then, I will be a little bit busy as I need to find all the essential furniture later..I need a bike as well..But the good thing is my per week rent for this apartment is much cheaper than UniLodge..Thus, I will have extra funds to spend during each month and I love that..

Some of my friends will be going back to Malaysia during this winter break..So, have fun in Malaysia guys..I enjoy my time here in Australia with the freaking damn cold weather..HeHe..Hope all of you who go back Malaysia won't be quarantine by the government due to swine flu phenomenon =b

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Phew, break 2 hr from exam..Agak lega laa bcoz these 2 days sgt laa letih..Tdo lewat bgn awl..Slalunya, tdo lewat bgn lewat..Normal laa kn..HeHe..Sbb exam laa kna tukar plak time table tdo tuhh..Penat gla kott, asyik baca buku and wt latihan ja..Tulang blakang pun leh bengkok bcoz byk sgt duduk kt krusi nihh..Tahap tension plak melonjak k paras bahaya dah..Bru abih paper Finance td..Ermm, comment..Agak susah laa, de yg leh jwb, de yg xtau nk tuleh pa..Finance realitinya mmg begitu..Dicipta utk menyusahkan student2 seperti saya nihh..Mmg yg Steve warning tuhh, jd reality laa..Question 4 killed me just now..Adeyhh..But jwb sume laa td, btol x btol tuhh, blakang kra arr..At least I pun an effort..HaHa..Pasal 1st paper which was Microeconomics, that paper ok laa..Boleh laa jwb bcoz it was an open book exam..So, sambil jwb tu, usha2 gk laa text book..Jd kra jwb dgn agak yakin laa..Hope can get pretty good marks for Econ..Now weekend, rest laa sat mlm nihh..Maybe study ringan2 je..Sok start pulon balek laa for another 2 papers, Stat and Business..Harap2 leh jwb laa these 2 papers..X nk arr kna repeat2 plak next sem, jd harap lulus la suma ny..

Friday, June 12, 2009

It was all yellow

..taken from one of my photographer friend, Eu Gene..

Autumn has come to its end, all the trees are without yellow and orange leaves now..The atmosphere is getting cold each day..It is a sign of winter..I ll be living in negative temperature in a few weeks time..Adeyhh..All the above pictures are some vision from part of ANU territory during autumn which for me look pretty nice..Yeah, this is my first autumn and it had struck love in me..Really, autumn here was very stunning..It was like living in a world with just yellow..Nice man =)

.:. Do click on the pictures to get a larger resolution..

Monday, June 8, 2009


- HATE is a STRONG word -
Plain White T's

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Highlight of the day, this small town known as Canberra was raining..It had been ages since the last time this town was hit by rain..And it was just for 2 to 3 hours..But today, the whole day was raining..Due to that, today was freaking cold and I was damn sleepy during lectures..This morning, I had 2 hours of lectures which were Microeconomics and Statistic..I managed to keep my eyes open for that long 2 hours period but all the input given were barely stored in my mind..Somehow, I gave full attention during Finance as Steve was never bored..I really need to start doing revision..The final exam was just around the corner but I was so not in the mood to study..Due to the freezing weather I guessed..Thus, blame the weather not me =)

..4.30pm, on my way to city..

I just came back from Canberra Center, buying some stuff to eat tonight..Currently, I am so addicted to TimTam biscuit, especially double coat..So, I forced myself to go through the freaking freezing wheater just to buy TimTam..I bought other stuff as well, not just the biscuit actually..Yeah, this biscuit was nice and mengeyangkan..So, it suits me well as I always feel hungry late at night..Again, maybe because of the freezing weather, I tend to eat a lot..It is good anyway since it can help me gain some weight..I really need to be gemuk a bit so that particular person cannot call me skeleton or cicak kobeng anymore..Hee..I will be fatter a bit but not boroi or buncit, maintain slim =b

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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