New House

I just move on to my new house yesterday, 2371 UniLodge which is located just beside my university in Canberra..Really, so close to my campus..It takes me 2 minutes of walking only from my residence to my campus..Owh, how great is it..HeHe, leh bgn lwt and x lmbt smpai class..This house for me is so okay as it is completely furnished..Sadly, the rent is quite high and it is killing me at a snail's pace I guess..Adeyh..For the first few months, I'll not having any financial crisis as the allowance provided by JPA is more than enough..But starting May, I don't know, no comment..Hee.. Enough that, my new roomate is my ex housemate in Taylor's..Bgs btol as die nie agak kuat agama..So, leh laa lead me to the right path..HaHa..=b So, the lucky Azhaa is my new roomate also my new tukang masak..Okay laa, leh gk masak die nie and he will help me to save a lot in the foreseeable future..

This is how my new house looks like..Ibu, ni laa umh Im yg mhl tuu..Hee..


..before you are in.., Azhaa is cooking..

..toilet.. bed, Patrick is in Australia and I need a comforter.. room, mess up.. spot, I'll fill the blue board later..

While I was busy with all my clothes and other things, I received a call from one of my senior..They invited me to join them for a gathering..Got mkn2 and I can meet some of my seniors which I haven't meet..Okay, went lepak with them and it was really nice when I got to know them..We had games and lot of other stuffs..Afterwards, returned to my room, and had a chatting session with my yayang..So sorry dear for making you waiting for me..Huu..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


zyra mokhtar said...

wahh my pillow ade kt situ!

kay said...

btw,brape mhl umah kat canberra?
n korg berdua je ke dlm satu umah tuh?gle best r mcm tuh..umah aku kat sini empat org n 145dolars per week..included tenet,letrik water heate n fully furnished..n we have our bike..saving money actly,planning to go downsouth..jz wit for us..hahahaha...not canberra,but sydney perhaps..n enjoy urself speaking with Australian,if fucking difficult for my first day her,but now,i do hv their essence too,amazingly..ok

Imran said...

dh suh org bwk..
so de laa situ..

Imran said...

yes, i luv speak to australian..
our rent is actually 183 per week..
yup, just the 2 of us..
owh, u got ur bike already, gud laa..
i haven't..
but since my house is just beside my uni, so i prefer to walk..

yea2, no need to come here..
better go sydney or melbourne..

zyra mokhtar said...

0owhh kalu tak xnk bw la?

Rafi Samian said...

pehal cantik je bilik ko nie..kat blog azhar tu..serabut jer aku tgk..hah2..
kerry nek basikal??ble kurus tuh..sorry kerry

Imran said...

org bwk gk laa..
leh gk peluk2 time sejuk2 yang..

Imran said...

x tau laa reff..
depends on d photographer laa..
aku pro..=))

kery, aku x ckp pape..

zyra mokhtar said...

0owh peluk tyme sejuk je?
tyme paneh?

Imran said...

sni x paneh laa syg..
klu x peluk, letak je ats katil tu..
mne de lempar pun..
org jg sume brg awk bg tau..

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