Thank God...

Syukur! Syukur! Syukur!

That's all I can say..Alhamdulillah, I passed my SAM programme with TER88.80..What I got was beyond my target which was TER85 only, just good enough to justify JPA's expectation..In the early stage of this programme, I felt like I was going to fail..Yealaa, this programme was damn hard and it had really pushed me to the limit..But that was for me laa, my standard..Actually, in between this programme, I still play2 while study..HaHa..That's why laa kot dpt cm tu je or stakat tu je my rezeki..Whatever it is, I still bersyukur sgt2..X ksh laa bpe pun, for me, yg penting fly..

Really, this programme had taught me a lot of things and made me the man..During the last one and a half year, I had live my own life..For the first time, I stayed miles away from my parents..
Mcm masuk asrama laa..Baju basuh sndri, mkn sndri, bgn tdo sndri..To sum up, sume sndri laa..Hee...Besides, while I was in this programme, I knew what it feel when you study like hell but yet you still failed to get what was on your target..Owwh man, that's really hurt and now I know how that feeling was..Plus, I had taste the C and D grade in this programme which never happened to me since I started beeing a student..HaHa..Teruk2 Im..

Now, everything had been set and done..I am no more SAM student..
Hua3..To all my fellow friends, thanks for your support..You guys had helped me a lot..Knowing you guys was a very precious memoirs for me..Thank you s0o much!! =))

..we ruleZ Taylors..

Maaf yea, this entry is more to BM rather than English..Ayt pun tunggang terbalek..Mls nk type actually..=b

Thursday, December 18, 2008


i l i said...

dah sujud syukur?
huahuahuahua ;)

Jehan Sahid said...

hua hua hua
bapak die perli..

m said...

bgus ah.u mane ar?
jgn lupe r mmbe kt ridzuan ni!hahahah

hAniMai said...

more than ok la tu kan...yg penting fly...where to lps ni?

FariS said...

yg pnting dpt bwk blk buah tangan kt aku stiap kali blk Malaysia..

Imran said...

ili :
sujud syukur..?
x g..

jehan :
tu laa pasal, perli sggh pakar makanan sorg tuu..

mahfuz :
xtahu g laa U mne, tggu JPA..
xde laa..
x lupe ny imam surau ridZ nie..

hanimai :
yupZ, fly sudaa..
ermm, x tahu laa k mne, tggu JPA je..

faris :
evrytime aku nk balek jgn lupa bank in cash dlm accnt aku..

rzr droto said...


Imran said...

thx bro..

$#@|)Z said...

congratz Im! =]

Dalila said...

im.taniah!i might be last person to wish.but it's not too late i guess.i'm proud of you! ;)

Imran said...

thx shadZ
siot ko..
tahu ar result gempak, x tunjuk plak kt blog..=p

Imran said...

thx lala..
xpe, kmbt pun x ksh..=p

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