Syukur! Syukur! Syukur!
That's all I can say..Alhamdulillah, I passed my SAM programme with TER88.80..What I got was beyond my target which was TER85 only, just good enough to justify JPA's expectation..In the early stage of this programme, I felt like I was going to fail..Yealaa, this programme was damn hard and it had really pushed me to the limit..But that was for me laa, my standard..Actually, in between this programme, I still play2 while study..HaHa..That's why laa kot dpt cm tu je or stakat tu je my rezeki..Whatever it is, I still bersyukur sgt2..X ksh laa bpe pun, for me, yg penting fly..
Really, this programme had taught me a lot of things and made me the man..During the last one and a half year, I had live my own life..For the first time, I stayed miles away from my parents..Mcm masuk asrama laa..Baju basuh sndri, mkn sndri, bgn tdo sndri..To sum up, sume sndri laa..Hee...Besides, while I was in this programme, I knew what it feel when you study like hell but yet you still failed to get what was on your target..Owwh man, that's really hurt and now I know how that feeling was..Plus, I had taste the C and D grade in this programme which never happened to me since I started beeing a student..HaHa..Teruk2 Im..
Now, everything had been set and done..I am no more SAM student..Hua3..To all my fellow friends, thanks for your support..You guys had helped me a lot..Knowing you guys was a very precious memoirs for me..Thank you s0o much!! =))
dah sujud syukur?
huahuahuahua ;)
hua hua hua
bapak die perli..
bgus ah.u mane ar?
jgn lupe r mmbe kt ridzuan ni!hahahah
more than ok la tu kan...yg penting fly...where to lps ni?
yg pnting dpt bwk blk buah tangan kt aku stiap kali blk Malaysia..
ili :
sujud syukur..?
x g..
jehan :
tu laa pasal, perli sggh pakar makanan sorg tuu..
mahfuz :
xtahu g laa U mne, tggu JPA..
xde laa..
x lupe ny imam surau ridZ nie..
hanimai :
yupZ, fly sudaa..
ermm, x tahu laa k mne, tggu JPA je..
faris :
evrytime aku nk balek jgn lupa bank in cash dlm accnt aku..
thx bro..
congratz Im! =]
im.taniah!i might be last person to wish.but it's not too late i guess.i'm proud of you! ;)
thx shadZ
siot ko..
tahu ar result gempak, x tunjuk plak kt blog..=p
thx lala..
xpe, kmbt pun x ksh..=p
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