This morning, roughly at 5, I reached Jitra..Damn man, I was freezing and my hand kept on shaking..Express Delima was a disaster..The bus driver was on no account to switch off the aircond throughout the long 7 hours ride from KL..As a result, currently I got flue..Huu...But it's okay, I am not typing using my nose anyway..
I was off to KL a few days ago and here a little chronicles regarding what was happened to me during my days in KL..I blog this in a diary style to make it easy and much simpler..
Saturday, 20th December
I made my way to KL by bus just about 11 at night..Nothing much happened, I did nothing, just SMSing with my baby girl..Then she slept early plak..Hee...
Sunday, 21st December
I reached Kajang during Subuh hours..Just like before, Nazar picked me up there with his KBL and we headed straight to GMI..A moment after I put down my entire bag, an uztaz invited me and Nazar for a breakfast..Mkn free laa jwbnye..HeHe..That uztaz really had lot of story..He talked, talked and talked..Adeyh..
At noon, the time which I had been waiting for, a date with my yayang..I met her at KL Central then we directly headed to KLCC..As usual, we went for a movie, mkn2 and lepak2 jer laa..The shows was Histeria, a Malay movie..The story was okay, quite scary principally when it came to the part where the ghost attacked also murdered his victims..Overall, it was not a waste for buying the tickets..
All of a sudden, she came out with a surprising idea which was to have a picnic at KLCC..Adeyh, how was in the world she can reflect about that..Since we had nothing to do and I don't want to let her down, okay a picnic for my yayang..Proceed to KFC first and bought some 'hot rods' and drinks..Yealaa kn, picnic kne laa de mkn2..HeHe..
Monday, 22nd December
Not so early in the morning, I left GMI and headed to Taylors with a purpose, to collect my exam slip..In Taylors, I met some of my colleagues..Nothing much changed, just a few of them changed their hair style..The girls just like before, no changed at all..We had a little conversation at Taylors regarding all the documents that JPA asked us to prepare..Then, sayonara guys, see you at BTN yea..Tuu pun klu campsite kte same laa..
I board a bus and went to Sunway Pyramid, a shopping complex with a huge lion head..Walked around SunMid for some minutes, window shopping actually..HeHe..Then, I stopped myself at TheDotZ..Texted my bro and asked him to give all the criteria that he preferred for the necklace..While waiting for the necklace, I went lepak at the ice-skating vicinity..Seas of people were skating..HaHa, they should name it as ice-crawling I guessed..Plus, it was funny to see some of the skaters landed their asses on the ice..Maybe they loved the cold fusion from the ice and that made them wanted to fall again and again..=b
After I collected the necklace, I took another bus and move on to Puduraya to buy the ticket for me to return to Kedah the next day..Luckily, it was trouble-free for me to find the ticket, just stopped at one of the counter then I got my ticket..Adeyh, my leg was damn tired as I had been walking a lot..Really man, since this morning I walked here and there..
Took a different bus and made for Mid-Valley plak as requested by her..Okay, anywhere laa syg..Lepak at Burger King for almost an hour alone while waiting for her to finish her classes..Hee...Roughly at 5, she arrived..HeHe..Berkepit g laa smpai mlm, had diner together..
Today, I had nothing to do..As last night I engaged in a fight with her, I assumed that I just going to spend my day at GMI only..Plus, I was suffering from fever plak..Sakit abih kpale..Huu...Then, she texted me and asked me whether I wanted to go out or not..Okay, I made the decision and we went out again..Pity her as I was not well and we resulted in bored circumstances..Just duduk je, x wt pape..Seeing that I really need a rest, we went for a movie, the title was Wild Child..Again, pity her as she watched the movie unaccompanied even I was sitting beside her..I slept almost along the movie since I was really not well..Sorry yea yang..
Afterward, we left Mid and went to KL Central..Bubye syg as I had to catch my bus at 9.45..See you in Jitra during Xmas syg.. =))
ewah wah wah.sakan berkepit.=p
normal arr..=p
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