Tonight I'll be leaving for KL again, via bus at 11.15..The sad part is I'm going there all alone, nobody will be by my side this time..Adeyh, what a bored journey for me as there is nobody to chat with, nobody to joke around this time..What to do throughout that long 7 hours journey arr..?? One thing is clear in my mind right now; sleep is the best option for me to kill all the times tonight..Hee...Luckily, I have her, my baby girl..As usual, she will have to accompany me along the journey..No matter what, that is a must for her..Sorry, no options for you sweetheart..=b
As I wake up tomorrow, I'll be in KL already..This is what I've been waiting for, ever since last week you know..Why..? Bcoz I'll have partially of Friday and the whole Saturday to date her..HeHe..The main event is a visit to Rumah Hantu in Sunway, but that's still a plan only..Anything can happen what..Hee..
Actually I have nothing to blog, that's why all these craps appear here..HeHe..But I'll have a lot to blog when I return from KL this Sunday..That's for sure man..=))
( P/S : Can't wait for tomorrow laa syg )
KL again..
Posted by Imran at 11:14 PM 6 comments
Tagged Q's
First of all, sorry to my dear Zyra as I forgot to answer all these questions..HeHe, didn't notice that I had been tagged that day as I read your post half way only..Here are my answers..
1. What is it that bothers you the most?
:: JPA asked me to do my international passport, medical checkup and borang akuan
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
:: Manja2 with my yayang..=D
3. What is the motto of your life??
:: I play the game my way..
4. What will you do when you're feeling angry/disappointed with someone?
:: Silent is easy..
5. What is the most important thing to you?
:: Things..? I guess my phone..
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
:: How come to survive arr..?
7. Are you afraid of pain ?
:: Adeyh, absolutely..
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
:: Don't know, too many free times currently..HeHe..
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
:: As the saying goes, jgn tggu lame2..HaHa =b
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
i) She loves me a lot..
ii) She concerns about me..
iii) She always accompany me until late at night..
11. If u have a million dollar, what would u do?
:: Get married..!! Hua3 =b
12. Do you think friendship is more important than loveship?
:: Both are important..
13. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
:: Almond London, tringin plak..
14. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
:: Happy 1st, then rich..
15. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
:: I wanna be rajen..
16. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
:: By that time, I will be 29 right..Hope I'll have a good job, gorgeous wife, happy family..=)
17. If given a choice, would you want to be a girl or a boy?
:: Of course boy, I love myself..HiHi..
18. What is your biggest fear?
:: Failed in what ever I did..
19. Do you miss someone?
:: YupZ..
So there's this rule for those who tagged by me:
Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question,make it a total of 19 questions. Then tag people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.
Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
I don't know who to tag laa..Let make it easy..Anybody who read my blog, they are tag by me..Ekeke..=p
Posted by Imran at 12:41 AM 3 comments
What to do..??
Early this morning, a guy called penghantar surat woke me up..This blue costume guy really ruined my sleep as I had to get up to sign some letters which were for me..Hish, I was damn sleepy yet I missed the most excellent time to sleep as the whether was very nice this morning, freezing and a bit drizzling..
I'm not in the sleeping mode at all as I received the letter..The brown envelope with my name affirmed on it really attracted my attention..Plus, it was ' Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda '..At first, I thought the letter was all about my BTN..Adeyh, what a bad luck, woke up early, got BTN plak..But then it had nothing to do with BTN at all..It was from JPA and they asked me to do several things..
- Medical Checkup
- Borang Akuan Keselamatan
The big issue here, why can't JPA wait until I got my final result first..??
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Posted by Imran at 3:19 PM 6 comments
Pity ZYRA..!! =D
Lucky Acap as his wife is damn cun..
Hope they will be happy for the rest of their life..
But here..
Pity ZYRA..
As Bunga had taken her Acap Sinclair..
Which Zyra minat gler this guy..
HaHa =b
No more ZyraSinclair laa yea..
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Posted by Imran at 12:20 AM 8 comments
From the time when I moved from Jitra to Subang Jaya to do my foundation, I haven't played the game called badminton for quite sometimes..It has been pretty long since the last time I grip my ruby racquet and get into action in the court..Plus, all my friends in Subang Jaya are more into futsal rather than badminton..All these lead me to leave this game for quite long..
This evening, I got the chance to play badminton again as my bro's buddy, Hafiz invited me to play with his bro, AreMath who was also my class representative during my time as a Form 5 apprentice in SMK Jitra..I was like damn thrilled to play badminton this evening..But, I noticed that I just go there to humiliate myself as I'm such a noob in the court..I had lost all my skills I guessed..HuHu..Even simple back-hand shot I can't do..Nevertheless, most of my smashes stacked on the net..Adeyh..But, after about 30 minutes of play, I got some of my skills back as my game was getting better..
Done with badminton, I was damn tired, happy at the same time as I love to play badminton and I haven't play badminton for a long time..Hee..
( P/S : Yayang, if ttdo tonite jgn mrh yea..Org leteh maen ptg td..xb )
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Posted by Imran at 2:35 AM 0 comments
Wake Up Call..
Just now my mom gave me a call, a woke up call as I was still sleeping in my room..To a certain degree, she did spoil my marvelous dream..Huu..But it's okay mom, thanks anyway..Your call made me happy even it was only 10 minutes anyway..
Thank God, they were already in Mekah at the moment..Landed there safely early this morning..I hope they will be find in Mekah for the rest of their way in performing haji..
HeHeHe =p
Friday, November 21, 2008
Posted by Imran at 11:42 AM 6 comments
Currently I have combination of feelings in my mind..Both sad as well happy at the same time as my parents are going to MEKAH tomorrow morning, flight roughly at 1.30 am to perform haji..Adeyh, I'll be at a distance from them for about 40 days plus..HuHu..
Here a little chronicle concerning today..
Woke up early this morning, went straight to my personal computer as I forgot to do something for my mom last night, which was to type out her personal particulars..Afterward, I log into YouTube to listen to azan since I had to execute azan as told by my mom..Besides, I'm the eldest, thus it was my accountability to do so..Not a big deal for me, a bit preparation ought to be good enough..
Done with all doa by my grandpa, we left the house around 7.30, drizzling a bit..I drove my parents to the airport..Approximately 20 minutes later we were there, Kepala Batas Airport..There were a lot of relatives this morning who accompanied us to the airport..My cousins, uncle, aunt and some neighbors were all there..
Right after my parents were done with their tickets, we gathered there, chatted with each other..My grandma kept on giving advices to my mom and dad, especially my mom..Biase laa, my mom anak kesygan in the family..Next, it was my turn to pay attention to some advices, not some actually, but lots of advices from my mom..My dad also had his own advices for me..All in all, I got the most advices compared to others..
9.00 am, here was the saddest part of the day, my parents had to depart..Hugs and kisses given by my mom..It was hard for me to see they left..But what to do, they left for a good purpose, which was to perform haji..I try not to nangeh, but berair gk ar mate pg td..Xpe2, normal sume tu..HeHe..=b
Posted by Imran at 12:52 AM 5 comments
Jitra D Best..
I'm in Jitra right now, just arrived around 3..Quite exhausted due to I drove back home from Bukit Gantang until Gurun..In the same line, I was happy as I'm in my hometown where lots of my gangs were here..Manan, Amer, Mamu, Cat were all back in Jitra already, plus Bunga Raya Clanz were also back..My primary school mates were also here, most of them..Maybe there will be another gathering for us this year since most of us were on holidays..All these people completed my gangs, they rock my world..HeHe..=b
Okay, nothing much to say..Tired mehh..
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Posted by Imran at 2:44 AM 4 comments
Say bubye to SAM.. =)
Just finished my last paper roughly 2.40..As I handed in my script book to a Chinese invigilator, I felt extremely happy..Even there were slights mistakes in my answers script, I don't care much at all..For me, there's nothing I be capable of doing at this minute..So, just pray hard and hope for the best..(Not in the mood to talk about exam anymore) HeHe..
Right after I came out from the hall, I met some of my college mates..Everybody looked happy..Before left Taylors, we snapped a few pictures as memoirs..Done with all that..I swiftly took a cab back to Ridzuan..Doomed, I forgot to convey my keys today..!! As a result, I can't enter my room and change my attire..Siot btol..What to do, I still have to prolong with my second mission for the day which was a date with her..Perhaps, this was my last date as I had to get back to Jitra tomorrow..HuHu..
As usual MidValley was the preeminent for the two of us..I reached Mid around 4..Hang around for a while there..Then, my syg arrived in green..Proceed with lunch first as I was damn hungry, just had bread early this morning..Done with lunch, had a little chat, next we went for a movie..Her choice was The High School Musical 3, which was really fascinating according to her..I just followed as she's the one who was a master in choosing movie..Sadly, we were late since the shows began at 4.30..So, she decided Madagascar as our shows for the day..Hmm, very 'nice' Madagascar..A lion, The King of New York can do shuffle..HaHa..=p
The shows ended approximately 6 something..Don't know what to do..Walked around Mid for a while..Afterward, Cosmic Bowl was our next destination as both of us haven't play bowling for quite sometimes..History had been made today where she whacked me out in this game..Wawawa, 135 to 105..Profesional already my baby girl..=p
Bubye syg, gonna miss you..Btw, thanks for the astonishing times today..=))
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Posted by Imran at 1:32 AM 10 comments
Not my birthday..
Nothing to do with my family at all..
Not her birthday..
Not our anniversary..
As tomorrow is 18th of November 08..
The date which I have been waiting for almost 1 and a half year..
Tomorrow will be my last paper, Accounting Studies..
Really can't wait to finish this paper..
Really can't wait to be rewarded the title called penanam anggur..=b
Wish me luck people..!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Posted by Imran at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Yeah, once again..
..including this time..
..don't know how many times got blame..
..everything x kne..
..x tahu arr..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Posted by Imran at 3:37 AM 0 comments
Yeah, once again..
..including this time..
..don't know how many times got blame..
..everything x kne..
..x tahu arr..
Posted by Imran at 3:33 AM 0 comments
Yeah, once again..
..including this time..
..don't know how many times got blame..
..everything x kne..
..x tahu arr..
Posted by Imran at 3:33 AM 0 comments
Lunch Hour..
After cracking my head out revising for my Accounting paper, I indeed need a short break for myself..While I was lying down on my lovely blue bed, watching some videos at YouTube, suddenly I got a message..Deep in my mind, I believed it was from her..Sadly not her..
After read the message, I put on my Echo' jeans and simple black t-shirt, some wax onto my hair, made them a bit spiky like usual..Bit CK cologne should be ample for me..Done with myself, I went down Ridzuan and instantly to SunMid..There, I killed my time lepak with a few 'hot girls'..HeHe..=p Then, I had lunch with them..The good thing was I don't even have to spend a single RM for my lunch..Everything being supported by them just like how JPA sponsored me..What to say, wasn't me who asked them to do so, that's was their promise when they asked me to go to SunMid..So, I just followed their order and this is what we called comparative advantage..=b
As a result, I had to be their direction guider for a while..Walked with them, showed them the specialties of SunMid compared to other mall..Hmm, not a big deal for me as I was quite familiar with SunMid..Plus, I had things to buy for myself as well..
Went to SunMid for a while really assist me to free some tense..Now, I'm ready to focus back on my revision..Okay, got to go..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Posted by Imran at 5:42 PM 3 comments
Just 1 m0re paper to go! =D
Yeah, I'm set to sit as well as answer wholly crazy questions by SSABSA even I haven't prepare much yet for my last paper which is Accounting Studies..HaHa =b
As I'm thinking on the reality that my final exam is almost over, just 1 more paper to go, it really makes me feel damn sprightly..Plus, nearly every one of my friends ended their final already..Medic students finished their final last Tuesday..Today, Engine students done with their final..Who's left..? It's me along with all the Accounting students..One thing that really aggravating me right now is listening to the same dialogue by Medic students, "Weii, budak account and Pe bende study2 nie, lepak sudaa.." Siot korg..!! =p
Adeyh, I wish to end my dejected month swiftly..I'm drained of studying, really2 tired..Day and night, it just books, books and books..!! But whatever it is, I optimism that I can obtain the highest possible marks throughout this final exam, thus it will aid to drag up my internal marks..So, the conclusion is I still have to study to obtain the marks which I desire for..Hee..Sabar2, dugaan sume nie..
This morning, I just competed my Spec Math paper roughly around 10.10..Hmm, the paper cm pe g..I've done all the past year papers ('03 until '07) in the course of the last 2 days, so I'm expecting myself to do better..But, it happened the other way round..In the end, there were several blanks here and there in my paper..Don't know laa, hope for the best and pray hard..
So, my closing stages as one of billion of SAM students is next Tuesday..HeHe..After that, once again I'll become penanam anggur..Just like after SPM and I love it..!! =))
Friday, November 14, 2008
Posted by Imran at 6:06 PM 2 comments
Just finished my Economics paper just now, roughly at 10.10..A big relief for me as one of my 'favorite' paper had been completed..Thank God, this year paper was not that tough contrast to Final '07 and Final '06 paper..Surprisingly, where was the Extended Response part for Economics this year..?? That section was excluded from this year paper which was pretty strange..But, lucky for me as I detest that part the most as it was incredibly difficult to get marks..Above and beyond, the long essay part was okay too..The questions asked were not that hard, but still need to put pen to paper a lot..Really made my hand felt like to patah already..Overall, the Economics paper was okay for me..I wish I'll be able to obtain a good marks for this paper..InsyaAllah..
Until now, 3 papers had been settled..Just 2 more papers to go, which are Spec Math and Accounting Studies..Adeyh, these 2 papers really will make my life is a wretched..Hee..What to do, just life with it laa..Think about the full freedom that I'll be rewarded after I've done with all these dreadful papers..HeHe..Really motivate me to finish this exam as quick as possible..
My next paper will be Spec Math, so better start doing revision from now..Just 2 days gap for me..
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Posted by Imran at 2:36 PM 6 comments
BawaKU Terbang...
Ke Hati...
Hati ke Hati...
Hati Hati...
Bibir Ke Bibir...
Bicara Janji...
Janji Janji...
Jadi Luka Hati...
Rindu ke Rindu...
Termimpi mimpi...
Hari Ke Hari...
Nanti di nanti...
Menanti Pasti...
Pasti Disisi...
Sisiku Kini...
Ternanti nanti...
Bila diceritakan tentang cinta
Segalanya muncul sekelip mata
Semuanya di depan mata ada dia
Makan tidur pun tak lena
Dia... cinta...
Dia... sayang...
Aku... dicinta...
Aku... disayang...
Kamu yang bawa ku terbang
Kamulah jua yang membawa cinta
Ke jalannya
Kamu yang bawa ku terbang
Ke bintang kejora cinta kita
Kekal untuk selamanya
Kita berdua kian bermesra
Rindu makin membara
Kita berdua bermain kata
Pasang surut tak endah
Mata hati jiwaku
Seluas artatika
Sebesar jupiter
Namun segitiga bermuda
Ku ganti sungai merah
Dengan darahku
Rinduku meragutkan
Kehangatan cinta kita
Mungkin tidak Sehebat mana
Ku di pertikaikan kasih
Ku bukan tempat dua ketiga
Di hati ku cuma kau yang satu
Seterusnya nyatanya hanya
Dirinya jiwanya
Jiwa ku rentas benua
Warna angkasa cinta
Cintalah kamu
Actually, I am bored right now..
Nk study pun x larat laa..
So, enjoy this song by The Fabolous Cat..
For me, it is quite nice..
Monday, November 10, 2008
Posted by Imran at 5:09 AM 0 comments
Woke up early this morning..
Yet last night I slept quite late, around 4.30..
A bit frustrated, to a certain degree..
Due to something, maleh nk cte..
Currently not in the frame of mind..
Ermm, that's all for now..
Thank you..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Posted by Imran at 10:45 AM 2 comments
2 hours was too short..
This noon, roughly 2.45, my baby girl reached KTM Setia Jaya..I went and fetched her there..Then we took a cab in front of Mentari Court and headed straight to Sunway Pyramid for a lunch..
Zyra : Im decide arr, org dh dtg tmpt die..
Me : Haz laaa..
Zyra : Im laa..
At last, Jusco food court was the place of our choice and we had 'tomyam' fried rice there..Adeyh, x sdp pun..Later then, we had a chit-chat session for a while and the topic was about her best friend, Pjah..
Then, we left the food court, walked around SunMid without any intention..Just want to berkepit je..HeHe..As we had nothing to do, she asked for a bowling game..Sadly the lane was full since there was a tournament today..So, we went to ice-skating vicinity and lepak there..
As usual, while we were together, snapped pictures is a must..HeHe..It took us sometimes to find someplace in SunMid where less people pass by..Finally, we established it..
Done with syok sendiri session, we left SunMid as the clock was already 5.00..Along our way out, I got cekik by her due to nothing..Heee..Thx yea syg..=b
Times really flies..I felt like 2 hours was damn short..Btw, this evening, I really had a great time with you syg..=))
( P/S : Nad, how's Times Square..?Had a good time there..? ekeke..=b)
Posted by Imran at 4:05 AM 4 comments
To : SHE
I had read your latest post just now..For me, it wasn't your entire fault that caused us to be apart for almost a day..The blame should be on me as well as I wasn't treating you the way I should did..Didn't reply your messages properly, didn't talk to you nicely and didn't contact you this morning..Here, I would like to make an apology for all the wrong thing that I've done..
:: I'm sorry if I made you blue ::
:: I'm sorry if I made those tears come outta your eyes ::
I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with you..=))
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Posted by Imran at 5:48 AM 2 comments
A game calls FUTSAL..
Yesterday, the entire evening I was doing nothing..HeHe..I left my study table and all my notes because of a game named FUTSAL..I need a break as I had been in a stressful week, struggled for my math paper..Roughly 4.45, I took a cab in front of Ridzuan, my fantastic condo accompanied by 2 of my colleagues, Amar and Afiq..TAXI..!! Then came a driver, malay guy..After a few minutes dealing with him, we took his cab to SportsPlanet, close to Monash University..
Just about 10minutes in his cab, we reached our destiny..10 minutes equivalent to RM10..Adeyh, but doesn't matter since we don't have any other options..As I entered the building, there were lots of TaylorianZ as I expected..All of them came from different courses such as ADP, ICPU, A-LEVEL and SAM..But one thing for sure all of them was my opponents in this game..I met Que there, my teammate..As usual, he arrived early..Talked for a while, then I changed into my normal suits, shorts and t-shirt..A little bit streching should be enough for my self and I was set to get in actions..Got my first game, entered the court, and thrashed the hell out of a few teams..HeHe..Then got kicked out by other team as we were tired..Wait about half an hour, went for actions again..
Plus, this morning I missed my morning study session as I woke up late..Heee..All this just because of a game called FUTSAL..I really need to cover a lot tonight..That's for sure!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Posted by Imran at 8:41 PM 5 comments
I just finished my Math Study paper this morning..The paper was okay laa, relatively hard for me..Plus, this year SSABSA had added one extra question for Math Study, doomed for me as the question added was the long question which required lots of calculations and high brain power..Siot btol laa..
Done with the assessment at 10 am, now I have a quite long gap, 4 days between my next paper which is Economics..As I sit and think about it, it makes me feel lethargic..4 days man, that's a lot of times..HaHa..But Economics is one of the toughest paper, need to memorize so many examples and concepts..Real examples..!! So, I guess I better use my time proficiently, no more study maut this time..HeHe..Which I always did before..
Whatever it is, before I get on track with my Economics revision, I think it is a necessity for me to sleep first..Hehe..Yeah, it's 12 noon right now..But what to say, it is not a blunder for me tdo at this time..Likewise, si die plak de class at the moment..Heee..BOSAN kne tggu..
My pinky Patrick is calling me..=)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by Imran at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Math Study n' ME
My days are full of Math at the moment..Early in the morning until late at night, Math, Math and Math again..This is due to my goal for Math Study, which is at least A17..I need an A for this subject, and I am anxious for it..As it only involves calculations, I have to score in order to help me to achieve TER85..Besides, I have another goal for this subject, which is to outdo my lecturer forecast for me, that is B16..A big NO for that..!! I'll prove it to you Ms Yapp that I be capable of get an A for this subject yet you said it is slightly a bit tough to get it..HeHe =b

Nothing to say anymore, I hope I can get what I had work hard for..
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Posted by Imran at 3:55 AM 0 comments
Let ME Hold U...=D
I am s0o sleepy right now..Can't do revision anymore I think..Just now I listened to a song by Bow Wow feat. Omarion..This hip-hop type of song is one of my favorite..Here are some part of the song which I dedicated to HER..=))
No secrets, No games
All excitement, Nothing plain
Keep U happy
That's my aim
And all U got to do girl is.."
"..In my arms, In my mind
All the time I wanna
Keep U right by my side
Till I die I gonna
Hold U down and make sure everything is right with U
U can never go wrong if U.."
Tgh2 malam jd jiwang plak..Adeyh..=b
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Posted by Imran at 3:51 AM 8 comments
My final exam is starting tomorrow, 3rd November 08..I'll be sitting for my 1st paper which is English as Second Language approximately in another 11 hours starting now..Time flies, I feel like 11 hours is extremely short for me..Nothing much I can do within that time..A little bit nervous at the moment..The possibility that I would spoil my 1st paper is there since I spoiled my ESL paper before during Mid-Term Exam..That is the most terrifying craze and it makes me worried most..I really hope that everything will be going on fine for me tomorrow..
So people, wish me luck yea..
Roger n' Out..
Monday, November 3, 2008
Posted by Imran at 2:39 AM 2 comments