2 hours was too short..

This noon, roughly 2.45, my baby girl reached KTM Setia Jaya..I went and fetched her there..Then we took a cab in front of Mentari Court and headed straight to Sunway Pyramid for a lunch..

Me : Haz, nk mkn ktne nie..?
Zyra : Im decide arr, org dh dtg tmpt die..
Me : Haz laaa..
Zyra : Im laa..

At last, Jusco food court was the place of our choice and we had 'tomyam' fried rice there..Adeyh, x sdp pun..Later then, we had a chit-chat session for a while and the topic was about her best friend, Pjah..

Then, we left the food court, walked around SunMid without any intention..Just want to berkepit je..HeHe..As we had nothing to do, she asked for a bowling game..Sadly the lane was full since there was a tournament today..So, we went to ice-skating vicinity and lepak there..

As usual, while we were together, snapped pictures is a must..HeHe..It took us sometimes to find someplace in SunMid where less people pass by..Finally, we established it..

..somewhere around SunMid..

Done with syok sendiri session, we left SunMid as the clock was already 5.00..Along our way out, I got cekik by her due to nothing..Heee..Thx yea syg..=b

Times really flies..I felt like 2 hours was damn short..
Btw, this evening, I really had a great time with you syg..=))

( P/S : Nad, how's Times Square..?Had a good time there..? ekeke..=b)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Imran said...

kitorng have a good tyme

Imran said...

aku x tnye ko pun..
mnjwb bg pihak die k..??

Amethyst said...

k0rang kalu xberkepit mmg xsah.
alasannye:mase together2 dah suntuk ar..
blah la lu.wakaka

eh,had fun wut..aku akhirnya tercapai misi nak main kat cosmoworld tu taw.tp imran xikut skli atas sbb2 peribadi.ngeh3..so aku main ngan ain.ihihii
best gler weh!nti j0mla g skli ngan zyra.:DD

Imran said...

thats d most suitable reason what..

sume 2 ktaorg dh men laa..
sume bnde dh try..
cuak gk ar..
dna mixer terbaek..;p

twins aku x g plak..?

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