A game calls FUTSAL..

Yesterday, the entire evening I was doing nothing..HeHe..I left my study table and all my notes because of a game named FUTSAL..I need a break as I had been in a stressful week, struggled for my math paper..Roughly 4.45, I took a cab in front of Ridzuan, my fantastic condo accompanied by 2 of my colleagues, Amar and Afiq..TAXI..!! Then came a driver, malay guy..After a few minutes dealing with him, we took his cab to SportsPlanet, close to Monash University..

Just about 10minutes in his cab, we reached our destiny..10 minutes equivalent to RM10..Adeyh, but doesn't matter since we don't have any other options..As I entered the building, there were lots of TaylorianZ as I expected..All of them came from different courses such as A
DP, ICPU, A-LEVEL and SAM..But one thing for sure all of them was my opponents in this game..I met Que there, my teammate..As usual, he arrived early..Talked for a while, then I changed into my normal suits, shorts and t-shirt..A little bit streching should be enough for my self and I was set to get in actions..Got my first game, entered the court, and thrashed the hell out of a few teams..HeHe..Then got kicked out by other team as we were tired..Wait about half an hour, went for actions again..


Done with futsal, I reached home just about 8, damn tired but I was pleased..I tried my best to stay up and study..Yeah, I did, until 3 gk rsnye but nothing much I read..Kept on felt asleep..HeHe..

Plus, this morning I missed my morning study session as I woke up late..Heee..All this just because of a game called FUTSAL..I really need to cover a lot tonight..That's for sure!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Addiction Medicine Plus said...

Hello: Nice looking Blog. Keep up your good posts. mc

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Amethyst said...

weh budak,dah msg zyra????
pe la ko da wat kat awek aku tuh.hesh!

btw,aku ada pomot nama ko kat blog aku.nyehh3~=p

Imran said...

dh msj pun..
dh bek balek..
dont worry too much..

thx yea..;p

Amethyst said...

bagus baguss..
seronok aku tgk korang da bahagiaa.xpasal pasal aku neh=p

haa..dah jumpe?kat post tania tuhs.btol kan nasik padang??ihihi

Imran said...

siot arr..
ko promote k jth kn aku 2..?

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